I'm working on a project that ideally would required a 9x9 keypad, so I could use that feature, but I'm not sure I'm skilled enough to understand what @salautom did....
Hi. I'm back. I've had so much bad experience with PCF8575 that I'm giving up on them. I'm moving onto trying the MCP23017 instead, I just ordered 5 of them...
Same problem here, board only works when resetting the board. Bought 7 off of Aliexpress. 5 of them do not work, the other two have this same problem. If only...
Another one with the same issue here, though I just tested mine with the tester program from one of the first posts, and mine are fake, so I bought new...
> sabeis porque me puede pasar esto > > 202409171723.mp4 Qué es "esto"?
Eso es un bug conocido debido a una placa no original. Aquí se menciona: > lo del video, que se desconecta solo El jue, 10 oct 2024 a las...
Hello mr @Mikkelhost. I wanted to ask you about your project because I'm doing something similar, but couldn't find your Discord ID. Would you be so kind to contact me...
Thank you @briancavanaugh I'm pretty confident building button boxes with Leonardos and Pro Micros. In fact, my current project was designed originally for a Pro Micro. However, it has too...