Results 28 issues of Valentino Giudice

In #52, the "nofollow" rel attribute was added to links. This was a good idea, however for formatting and displaying untrusted user data, the ability to force rel="ugc" would be... is "offline for maintenance". Is this as intended?

As usual, modified licenses create confusion. > We don’t claim ownership of the content you create with the DALL-E discrete VAE, so it is yours to > do with as...

[Previously I wrongly thought this code was from another party. The issue updated as now makes sense]. "Open source" does not mean "source available": The FAQ wrongly claims...

The CC License doesn't exist. There are multiple different CC licenses. Some icons report " CC 4.0" as "License", which means nothing, as in I suggest updating it once...

MetaMask is [listed]( as open source, but it [no longer is]( (nor was it when #6696 was opened). The source code of the browser extention is available, but the license...

bug :bug:
proposal 🤔
Status: Stale
dev required

Currently, HedgeDoc supports both exporting and importing a document as a GitHub Gist. It would be interesting to be able to push changes to an existing GitHub Gist, creating a...

type: enhancement
scope: frontend

Hi. Is there any plan to add a license for this code?

Hi. Would you consider adding a license for this repo?

Thanks for providing this. Would it be possible to generate multiple sequences with one prompt? Obviously the amount must be limited.