
Results 17 issues of Asinine

In 1.3.1, a RSS feed such as:[SubsPlease] Would work just fine in hiding results from the specified group. However, 1.4 Beta builds broke this functionality. Specifically the: `+-[SubsPlease]` was...

When trying to quickly make a clip of something that doesn't have to be cut frame-perfect. It's often better to just cut to the key-frames and save the video without...

Fresh installs of LANraragi 0.8.6 results in the following error: ``Executing the following command on WSL: export LRR_NETWORK=http://*:3000 && export LRR_DATA_DIRECTORY='/mnt/f/ex' && export LRR_THUMB_DIRECTORY='/mnt/c/Users/Someone/AppData/Roaming/LANraragi/thumb' && cd /home/koyomi/lanraragi && rm -f...

Selecting text like so in the log window causes it to stop updating, and even closing then re-opening the log window does not fix the issue. ![image]( This issue has...

LRR's webui is pretty great, but there's a few changes I'd like to see. - [x] Add a Keybind for opening a random archive, bit of a pain to have...

If people could configure LRR to how they wanted it set-up before LRR goes through and scans all their files, It would really help stop people running into a lot...

Whenever you run the batch tagger, and it fails to find tags for a gallery with the selected plugin, it seems strange that you can't set it to try a...

![image]( ![image]( This is probably only really helpful for people with tons of galleries and when trying to find something with a pretty generic name, but should still be fixed...

archive index

I encountered this error when using sushi with the default settings on episode 17 of Magi The Kingdom of Magic. ``` File "", line 33, in diff RuntimeError: maximum recursion...

When I ran Sushi with SRT subtitles that were encoded as UTF-8-BOM Sushi saved the output subtitles as simply UTF-8. When trying to open this file in Aegisub it gave...