Aryan Inguz
Aryan Inguz
The following application currently doesn't have a navbar, a clean and crisp navbar related to articles about the PERMA model or about the repository would be great to start contributing...
Add a Footer
The following application currently doesn't have a footer, a clean and crisp footer with social icons for repository would be great
The questions page layout could be better with more intuitive design and user experience
The existing questions page UI is great but I’ll love something more. There’s complete freedom on choosing frameworks as long as logic isn’t compromised
Currently all questions have a unique name as the code by which they can be calculated for each PERMANENT score in backend add a better more organised alternative to that...
Try improving existing Navbar for bett User experience
The project needs a clean and animated landing page that explains about the project, this landing page should be the home page and this home page should contain a navigation...