Got the answer. forget to set the setWidgetLengths(length); after appending a new child widget.
@tsadler1988 Thanks for your replay. I have tried to change the code based on your comment but nothing got changed. Still it is showing letters in row by row. ```...
Hi , Thanks for your response. My dom tree looks like below  And you can find my code on [](url) Clicking on the above like doesn't work it seems,...
@tsadler1988 Thank you for pointing out the issue. I will look into it.
@tsadler1988 Hi, I couldn't find any class named keyboard in the base.css file in the given sample application. Could you please share a keyboard style class if you have ?
Yes you can create n number of carousels in a component. Carousel id should be different in this case.
If you have only 2 carousel components then you do new Carousel(...) with two different ids .I think your second carousel will be shown based on the movie category selection...
@Himanshu-Gurung You can use hide() method in the widget . Please refer this for getting more idea widgets/widget.js, line 293
use this.getChildWidgets()[your widget number].hide(); If you wan to hide 0 th widget then add 0 , if you want to hide 1st element then add 1 so on .. I...
@Himanshu-Gurung 2- this.getChildWidgets(0).hide(); try this. I am not sure your childwidgets so based on whoch widget you have to hide you can give its number