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dynamically adding widgets to the carousels ( lazy loading carousels)
I have a carousel with n number of widgets and I want to load another n number of items to the carousel once the user focus the last item of the carousel. I have added afteralign event listener in the carousel to detect the navigation between carousel items and inside the listener I have created one widget and tried to append it to the current carousel using appendChildWidget() method
_handleLazyLoading: function (evt) {
var selectedItem = evt.target.getActiveChildWidget().getDataItem();
if (selectedItem.page < selectedItem.totalPages) {
if (evt.target.getActiveChildIndex() === evt.target.getChildWidgetCount() - 3) {
var sampleData={"type":"VOD","id":1234,"accessLevel":"GRANTED","title":"sample","description":"A look back at all the Premier League action from the 31st of March 2018.","thumbnailUrl":"url of image","metaFields":{},"tags":
var videoCard=new CommonVideoCard(sampleData);
This is what my event listener code. I have checked in the dom also, if i put a break point after the appending method then I can see the data in the dom after that it seems like the particualr carousel is stuck and I cannot navigate to other items in the carousel. I just have a try with removeWidget method and it works. Any help will be really appreciated. Thanks in advance
Got the answer. forget to set the setWidgetLengths(length); after appending a new child widget.
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