Artyom Vancyan
Artyom Vancyan
## What is this Python project? The [Thumbnails]( is a video thumbnail generator for modern web video players that stands out for its unparalleled optimization for the fastest thumbnail generation....
This adds the missing tiers for `Heart On Your Sleeve` and `Open Sourcerer`. Also, it fixes the Markdown syntax issues.
Hi @FlorianEagox, can you list the libraries that should be installed based on the operating system and running options? At, you did not mention any library names or which...
### Summary The package contains static strings that are not translated. Also, changes are required in [react-phone-hooks]( for the country names. -
[Screencast from 05-02-2024 06:03:34 PM.webm](
The [`antd-phone-input`]( is designed to use with Ant Design and is well maintained by me and I highly recommend using it. It is compatible with the version of `antd` you...
### Discussed in Originally posted by **dmatysiak94** March 28, 2024 I aslo would like to report bug that input shows country ISO code and phone code instead of the...
## Description This PR integrates a stable working [antd-phone-input]( phone input component and implements a proper phone number validation. ## Related Issues - #566 - #840 - #1039 - #1047...