DevModeGizmo. There it is possible to make a proper UI so that you can find what you are interested in. With a lot of `console.debug` messages, the browser console is...
The hard part is not getting the messages to log, the relevant part is how to present the messages in an easy-to-use way. If we are looking for existing solutions...
Are you wondering if it is good or bad that it would be Promise? To me it sounds like a Mono is used in an endpoint primarly/only for Java reasons...
So what happens now if you return ”null”?
Sounds like the "no route" page should override browser not supported then somehow.. Are GoogleBot and other search engines also redirected to the BrowserNotSupported page?
I actually checked with the browser and got 200. But seems like that happens only with V17 so using ``` vaadin init example --latest ``` instead
Updated summary that this concerns Vaadin 17 as I don't know if it is a problem with Google + V14. For cookbook, Google says `Last version seen on 8/21/20, 5:24...
This has nothing to do with Hilla
How would class name references work together with lazy importing the view?
Does not that require importing `my-view.ts` and all other views to set up routing?