Ok, interestingly enough the first time you open the page it shows ``` Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'a' before initialization ``` and then if you touch some file e.g. ```...
This seems to be a problem of the reduced test case though, I did not see this in the original application
Starting from 2.7 I see `Uncaught ReferenceError: Cannot access 'a' before initialization` all the time in the test case, even after doing `touch src/main.ts`.
A working example can be found here Code here
The linked sample project does not exist so I do not think this issue is actionable without some additional information and an example project
Still broken in the same way with 22.0-SNAPSHOT
That's a different project. It does not even have a TS view.
It should not interpret Flux as a bean. Flux is a special case and only the type parameter of the Flux should be processed
I think it is fine that we cannot use the same syntax as in Java as long as you are able to express the same things. It does not really...