Mingye Wang

Results 263 issues of Mingye Wang

Try: ``` println("`a` b c") ``` You will get a commnad-not-found for `a`, because it actually tried to run it. * * * I tried to work this around by...

* ranlib is a thing of the past, and all major ar implementations have -s to do it while it makes the archive. the extra invocation takes plenty of time...

Iosevka comes with a shitton of variants, and a pack called `iosevka-pack-${VER}.zip` is availiable instead of the usual `01-blah.zip` that only has the normal variant. It might be a good...


Python 2 has to go eventually with the cessation of security updates. We should make a list of packages still built with py2, and either abandon or migrate them to...


[gh search](https://github.com/AOSC-Dev/aosc-os-abbs/search?q=db+pkgdep&unscoped_q=db+pkgdep) Berkeley DB has been naughty for [pretty well-known reasons](https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2014/06/msg00328.html). The upstream is not really quick to [fix issues](https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2018/06/17/1) either. The common suggestion is to replace with lmdb. Affected...


Libcolorblind is a pixel color filter for simulating colorblind vision. You can grab the source code from the debian folks as specified in https://github.com/pld-linux/libcolorblind/blob/master/libcolorblind.spec. Debian's build of gnome-mag provides a...


unclasp: https://sourceforge.net/p/potassco/code/5873/tree/branches/unclasp-oll/ See also: http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/wv/aspcud/ aspuncud outperforms friends in [MISC 2012](http://www.mancoosi.org/misc-2012/results/index.html) ([lower is better](http://www.mancoosi.org/misc-2012/rules/)).


`macutil` provides some things for playing with antique Mac OS file formats, including stuffit (`.sit`) and BinHex. ~~https://stuff.mit.edu/afs/athena/astaff/project/mimeutils/src/macutil/~~ https://sources.debian.org/src/macutils/2.0b3-16/ `stuffit` is for creating "sit" archives. http://www.botik.ru/~znamensk/CTAN//tools/stuffit/ Both things are very...


sarasa-gothic's fc files currently reference Inziu Iosevka instead of Sarasa Mono, so in other words they simply won't work. Please change them to reference Sarasa Mono. You will also want...
