Thanks, Jalagar! On my end, I can try and load up the program on another computer to see if it is some computer specific issue. I can't stress enough how...
Hi Jalagar I downloaded the latest code and was able to make mp4s from the layers_audio folder example when enable audio was set to false. When I set enable audio...
Hi Jalagar Thanks for continuing to work on this with me. I am already using Visual Studio Code as my terminal environment. I went to line 118 of step3/ and...
oh yeah, baby. I've got Mp4s with sound! thx so much!!!!
Jalagar I got it to work, but there are a couple of issues: 1. if the folder name where the audio file is stored has spaces, the system can't find...
also, it looks like when you enable audio and set const shuffleLayerConfigurations = true; the generative sheets made in step2 do not match the json files being made in the...
I don't think I have the ability to reopen the closed issue. Also, I ran a set of 800 mp4s with shuffleLayerConfigurations= false and the mp4s match the json and...
to summarize, looks like three issues of audio functionality not playing nice with other functionality: 1. the folder name where the audio file is stored cannot have spaces in the...
no worries it will take me a while to get the art part of the project done! Thanks again for a great product.