
Results 8 issues of Arthur

smckit gives : AMBIENT_AIR_0 11.0°C which is not the case CPU_0_DIE -70.0°C negative temp ? and for fan keyNotFound(code: "F0ID") keyNotFound(code: "BATP")

On Osx ALIGN is already defined on /usr/include(i386/param.h # define ALIGN(p) __DARWIN_ALIGN(p) I just renamed it from (ed25519-donna-portable-identify.h) into ALIGN2 and in the followings files : curve25519-donna-32bit.h curve25519-donna-helpers.h curve25519-donna-sse2.h ed25519-donna-32bit-tables.h...

# Defect Report ## Issue type - [ ] Defect - Crash - OS Name: macOS - OS Version: 12.1 - CPU: x86_64 - Wireless card and chipset (if relevant):...


- A description of the feature you would like to have input from standard input (stdin) - If relevant, the context that you are in. What are you trying to...

type: new feature
status: accepted

I use simd_count_bytes for avx512 and the new architecture for apple is now arm and there is no compilation possible from intel simd to arm. So do you schedule to...

I saw heif_context_add_exif_metadata and heif_context_add_XMP_metadata but nothing about IPTC. I know its replaced by XMP but there is still pictures with this metadata inside. heif_image_handle_get_metadata_content_type gives "application/rdf+xml" How can i...

Hello, In TPCircularBuffer.c this directive #define reportResult(result,operation) (_reportResult((result),(operation),strrchr(__FILE__, '/')+1,__LINE__)) cause the path (__FILE__) to be written into the binary file (lib or executable) reportResult must be use only in DEBUG...

Bonjour, Sur macos pendant le make j'ai l'erreur fatale : "chown: xxx: illegal group name" make[3]: *** [src/tags-cli] Error 1 make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/tags.dir/all] Error 2 make[1]: *** [src/cli/CMakeFiles/stegx-cli.dir/rule] Error 2...