Arthur Milchior
Arthur Milchior
On first read, I was extremely confused about this clarification. I could not understand how map was producing this U, while F had a type with no constraint at all....
On first read, it was far from clear which part of the code was copy-pasted and which part was actually what you suggest us to try in your first-implementation of...
It was quite awkward that the name of a page was not a link to the page. This simply transform those words into links.
Hi, Here is a few feedback on I'm trying to understand it, and thought maybe you'd want some feedback. I must note I'm new to Objective-C/iOS development, trying to...
Hi, Thanks for your library. I'd like to know if there is a way to decide whether the drawer is draggable from anywhere (as with your library) or only from...
Is there a standard way to create anchors and links in the HTML output of some processed code? I have read the whole documentation and can't find an example of...
#### Description Remove direct access to config, so that there is no more error message from latest anki. Remove all 2.0 code; I believe I remember you're not updating it...
Improve typing