
Results 5 comments of ArtashMardoyan

We also have the same issue. We need to send the authorization token by header. But Your latest(4.1.0) version does not support it.

Hi all! Just Try this Code ``` const distinctCondition = { id: { $in: sequelize.literal(`(SELECT DISTINCT ON ("category") "id" FROM "article" AS "Article")`) } }; const { rows: reviews, count:...

``` const distinctCondition = { id: { $in: sequelize.literal( `(SELECT DISTINCT ON ("lastR"."businessId") "lastR"."id" FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON ("userId") "id", "businessId", "createdAt" FROM "review" AS "r" ORDER BY "r"."userId", "r"."createdAt"...

RUN wget -qO "" | tar xz -C /