Roman Romanov
Roman Romanov
I have an issue in multiplatform project after updating korio dependency when running iOS-related build tasks (linkDebugFrameworkIosX64, linkDebugFrameworkIosX64 or linkPodDebugFrameworkIosFat): > Module "com.soywiz.korlibs.korio:korio (com.soywiz.korlibs.korio:korio-iosx64)" has a reference to symbol kotlin.ranges/contains|-4285521416178503187[0]....
Current documentation is misleading, this code in will be reported with an "Unresolved reference" errors: ``` cropImage.launch( options(uri = imageUri) { setGuidelines(Guidelines.ON) setOutputCompressFormat(CompressFormat.PNG) } ) } ``` It requires...
``` @Test fun testXmlMapSerialization() { @Serializable data class Container( @XmlOtherAttributes val attributes: Map ) val container = Container( mapOf( "key1" to "value1", "key2" to "value2", ), ) println("Original object: $container")...
I've found an issue with parsing milliseconds using custom format with optional (`[.S]`). 0.1 sec is 100 ms, but parsing as 1 millisecond; 0.10 sec is 100 ms, but parsing...
Hello and thank you for the library! I have found the width = 50 is too narrow for labels in capture controller: [CapturePreviewToolBar.swift#L49]( and [CapturePreviewToolBar.swift#L58]( Here is WLPhotoPicker-Example project in...