
Results 10 comments of ArsenLuca

@frotms In Linux Eclipse C++ IDE, it shows: malloc(): memory corruption(fast): 0x0000000002145150 *** In Visual Studio IDE, it shows error in delete function or sometimes malloc function.

@frotms you can have a try using the image above

In windows VS, it shows ![image](

@frotms Also, in each run, different errors happen. In one run, it happens that: > for (unsigned int lineID = 0; lineID < numOfFinalLine; lineID++){ > lineIDInScaled = scaledLines[lineID].lineIDInScaled; >...

@frotms I first resize the image to 640*640 and debug the codes. It comes that in the following line: `lines.sId.resize(5 * edges.numOfEdges);` edges.numOfEdges is 8. so edLineVec_[ZERO]->lines_.sId has the size...

@frotms It seems that the problem is due to 5 * edges.numOfEdges is not enough for numOfFinalLine. So why do you set the constant multiplier to be 5? And how...

p.s. 使用的是最新release的: @nihui

> We have updated SSN code for supporting dataparallel, please check and try. > But we haven't tested the experiement results(ImageNet...) in Dataparallel mode yet. Good job. Thank you.