I understand your concern but this implementation replace the previous mechanism to store MAC address for gateway, dnsip and hisip. So if we disable the ARP cache, there is no...
The RAM usage is the following struct size multiplied by the number of ARP cache entries: (IP_LEN + ETH_LEN + 1)*ETHERCARD_ARP_STORE_SIZE, so by default it is 44 bytes. ```cpp struct...
@dbaileychess Do you have a place to put the sample test code?
Hi, I also encountered this issue of bad cast when using row::get for example. At this time I didn't understood why we got this issue using soci::row::get and not when...
If soci does not resize vector this is mainly for performance. When you do a select there is no way to know how many rows are returned during the select...
@jsonn I know how vector is working and I know that vector has exponential grows, thanks. But it also means that each time vector has to grow, it may have...
I never like the principe of output iterator because you have to know the size of your final object in advance and you have to give a begin and final...
@vadz Thanks for the link. I was sure there was one to do it but as I never required it for the moment I never look for it.... As I...