Looks a lot like #82 or #87 but neither fixes did the trick. The view looks like this : ``` render() { const { renderUnity } = this.state; return (...
I don't know if this can help someone, but the issue seemed to come from having the view launched one time in landscape and once in portrait.
Hey, I'm having the same issue, any update @nicwhitts ?
Hi, thank you for your answers. So far I changed it in the build.gradle : include ":unityLibrary" project(":unityLibrary").projectDir = file("./UnityExport") As well as settings.gradle: flatDir { dirs "${project(':unityLibrary').projectDir}/libs" } But...
It really seemed like it could work for us @IbrahimaWane but sadly this does not fix the issue, thanks anyway. @NeelSteampunkDigital for us the issue is a little different: we...
Thank you @IbrahimaWane, unfortunately it didn't work on my issue. I just realised that when the screen is black, if I lock the phone and switch back to the app,...
Hey @asmadsen, We're really stuck on this issue for quite some time and can't seem to figure it out. Would you be open to some freelancing to help us dig...