> > Hey, I was looking into this issue but in my browser when i translate page to hindi it's getting translated. Can you guide me on how you are...
please sync your branch with the latest changes so that you dont push package-lock.json and also make the phone number field optional so that if one does not put phone...
@GAURAV1-ui go ahead update the ui of the testimonials page and testimonial also
what will you change show a preview or draft so this can be added to gssoc
@Rohitn-2312 how about you create a contribute page ?
> @Arnabdaz Should I create a new issue or work under this one only? edit this one and work if possible get the contributors from using api and show...
can you also add something upper the contributors like contribute (some text to motivate about contributing) and then github link button ... keep it kind of big button something like...
> @Arnabdaz What to do? looks good just one change can you bring the `contributors` title below the github link and in that place write title contribute for the button...
add a title in the top of page `CONTRIBUTE` like you did for contributors ... just above the motivational text ... and create a pr so that i can review...
@krushn-a it didn't complete the requirements of the issue ... you have to totally remove the made with :heart: footer and in the other footer you need to add contact...