Chong Guo
Chong Guo
I'm planning to migrate this project to Vue 3.0 later this year, more informations come later :) I need to do some investigations first. 🤔 准备年底把此项目上 vue 3.0,我先研究研究hhh 之后有详细计划了再说 到时候欢迎大家贡献hh
为了方便大家 我建了一个微信讨论群 我会尽量回答大家的疑惑 也希望大家能相互帮助~ 注:因为人数已经超过100人 所以麻烦大家加我微信 armourcy 备注下是要加这个vue项目的群 我好拉你们进去 谢谢 Add me WeChat armourcy and I will invite you to the group :)
should add a score system for player
if i have time :)
# I'm submitting a Feature request ## Current behavior If upgrade react-hot-loader from v3 to v4, it will trigger a full-page reload instead of HMR ## Expected behavior Use react-hot-loader...
# I'm submitting a - [ ] Bug report - [x] Feature request - [ ] Performance issue - [ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped...
# I'm submitting a - [ ] Bug report - [x] Feature request - [ ] Performance issue - [ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped...
When I added 'set number' and excluded nerdtree, tagbar and taglist, I found that my nerdtree have no line number on default because of the exclusion. So here I add...
If the nerdtree or tagbar has been set to 'autofocus' then the first time it appears the line number will not works as we expected.