Frank, Thank you very much for this fast and complete answer! > The learning rate doesn't have to be higher. Indeed, the Learning rate should be reduced instead ... I'll...
Hello Lulu, Using Transfer Learning helped with small amount of in-domain data, but after some sufficient ratio of manually tagged data, the contribution of transfer from noisy data was no...
Actually that was unclear from me, when I try to train the model on the english conll dataset, The classifier only predicts '0' label, and this yields a high accuracy...
I tried to run the script with default settings, as it can be found in english_NER.ipnb. The accuracy (and logloss) is stuck at 97.3 from the first epoch. I'm trying...
Hello Divesh, I have a very low loss from the first epoch, I joined a capture of training logs:  The only thing I changed was adding a few parenthis...