Given an array of size N. The task is to sort the array elements by completing functions heapify() and buildHeap() which are used to implement Heap Sort. Example 1: Input:...
A deterministic environment is one where the next state is completely determined by the current state of the environment and the task executed by the agent. If there is any...
You are given an integer, . Your task is to print an alphabet rangoli of size . (Rangoli is a form of Indian folk art based on creation of patterns.)...
Hey! Everyone..Please Help me with my today's Leetcode problem. You are given the head of a linked list, which contains a series of integers separated by 0's. The beginning and...
Given an unsorted array Arr of size N of positive integers. One number 'A' from set {1, 2,....,N} is missing and one number 'B' occurs twice in array. Find these...
Mirko is monitoring a construction site. He monitors buildings enumerated from to , starting from the left. For each building, he knows the current number of floors and the number...
Hey? Everyone... Help me with this problem. Boleyn Su runs a company called Acme. There are N employees in the company, and each one of them is represented by a...
Given two BSTs, return elements of both BSTs in sorted form. Example 1: Input: BST1: 5 / \ 3 6 / \ 2 4 BST2: 2 / \ 1 3...