Arlind Kadra
Arlind Kadra
Further note, preparing everything as a list of sequences works. If it helps, I can also add the necessary files for this case.
Interesting :), I think the analysis in the future should also be extended to the following datasets: They proved tricky.
> I'll wait for Appveyor to complete. Github Actions seems to fail due to too high workload on the server. I will throttle the number of parallel jobs further in...
@PGijsbers @mfeurer While making the modifications I noticed a study that actually had no alias, can that be a case? And also can we add an alias to it? It...
> An alias is not required, but I'll ask people with access if they're prepared to add one (I don't believe there's an API call for it). Ah thanks. Yeah,...
Hey @PGijsbers, I had the same thought and I fully agree with it. I will do that too.
``` If dataset is retrieved by name, a version may be specified. If no version is specified and multiple versions of the dataset exist, the earliest version of the dataset...
Yep, I will.
@mfeurer depends, momentarily we have 2 ways in which OpenMLDataset can be created. We are already enforcing certain dataset fields from the datasets/functions way, on the other hand a straight...
Hey, Thank you. Could you open a pull request with the suggested changes? Then I could review and merge it.