Yilun Xu

Results 7 issues of Yilun Xu

您好,请问在model.py的ImageEncoder中,foward()内的这两句代码是什么意思? features_top = features_orig[-1] features = features_top.view(features_top.size(0), features_top.size(1), -1).transpose(2, 1) # b, 49, 2048

您好,关于为LGPMA构建训练数据,我有以下两点疑问: 1、是否一定需要包含空单元格(blank cell)的标注; 2、bbox是否一定要按照pubtabnet那样标注为text region的格式,如果标注为align cell bound,会对模型产生怎样的负面影响(因为lgpma的lpma分支里面有对text region的mask predict) 可否解答我的疑惑,谢谢

The code opensourced in this repo seems not open the refine_bboxes during post-processing.

The inference function 'simple_test' seems only support Multi-Modal Feature Fusion part and Relational Graph Construction part, can you open source the Table Elements Extraction part and Structural Graph Construction part?...