
Results 9 comments of Yanosh

What about adding additional option to UploadableField annotation like `fileObjectProperty` to use it in PropertyAccessor calls, then mapping might look like so: ``` /** * @var File * * @ORM\Embedded(class="App\Entity\Embeddable\File")...

+1 there. When I tried to find which exact version of framework used I wasted 15 mins w/o success then droped that idea. Framework versions info completely not transparent but...

> There are a huge number of errors probably related to mods in your log. Could it be related to Spread move? I remember I got this bug before times...

@Garanas yes, I can try to sandbox it, will do it

Strangely enough in sandbox I could not reproduce this bug. Same mods, even greater unit counts in Spread Attack but no.

I agree with idea to support only utf-8 and single-bytes encodings (btw it needs to be checked that the used encoding is consistent with that limitations).

Am I correct that only required thing remained is this one MR for completion to be working?

@crazyproger any chances to see fix soon?

Today I also searched for a place where I can find exact names of Kernel parameters and failed. It seems a sensitive miss. The place referenced above was first I...