Anıl ÜNAL adresindeki gibi scrollspy kullanabiliriz, ama blogda sadece o makale yok, diğer makaleler de var. Sanırım makale üzerinde config tanımlayıp `enableScrollspy: true`, layout içerisinde de bunu kontrol edip, şimdilik temporary...
Selam, O bölümü tekrar elden geçirmem lazım. Aslında deneme yerine mailer yazsam daha anlamlı olurmuş.
> FYI, since [#163 (comment)]( was posted, the forked repo (@nilebma) merged a change that bumped up cordova swift support requirement to `2.0.2`, so the suggested solution doesn't compile. To...
Don't worry, I got you. _rollbacks derryl's latest commit_
This would be the most useful feature ever. +1
That can be improved I think. Passing 4 parameters to every single method sounds pretty bad imo.
I just want to pass them into each controller without having to all 4 variables into methods as seperate parameters. I don't enjoy passing them into methods as parameters everywhere...
Hi, Trying the following code: ``` $klein->with('/api/', function () use ($klein) { $klein->respond(function() { throw new \Exception("Test."); }); $klein->respond('GET', 'test', function($req, $res, $service, $app) { return "hello"; }); }); ```...
`"klein/klein": "dev-master",` in my composer.json. Yes, it doesn't work. The following: ``` $klein->with('/api/test/', function () use ($klein) { $klein->respond(function () { echo "hi"; }); $klein->respond('GET', 'moo', function($req, $res, $service, $app)...
@Rican7 Oh, yeah that was the case. It works properly now. Perhabs we should add it to documentation?