
Results 5 comments of あげは

确实听到不少这个需求 但是暂时没有这个计划 至少短期内(3个月内)不会实现 主要是最近比较忙 加上压缩包多种格式不好做支持(rar、7z) 以后等我空闲下来再考虑下吧

I met the same problem today, and I find a temporary solution: 1. Open `~/.vim/bundle/emmet-vim/autoload/emmet.vim`(linux) 2. find `function! emmet#getFileType(...)` 3. add this code before `return type` ``` function! emmet#getFileType(...) abort...

> I've got the same issue here :) Please submit a PR to fix it, thank you I've studied for whole night and found that this problem seems has been...

> I put a reproducible demo on [CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/embed/naughty-chandrasekhar-cwbcc?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark). > > You can see that the `LazyLoad` without `overflow` prop is broken until you scroll inside the overflowed div (triggering a...

finally I found the store file. you could use process moniter to checkout which file is using by nedb. for example, you could use software `process explorer` or `process monitor`...