Aaron Esau
Aaron Esau
Sure. Version Any file I send fails.
Thanks. How do I upgrade the OS? Since I can't connect to the TI, I don't is how it will work.
Can you send the output of `uname -a` and `head -n1 /etc/passwd` after running the exploit please?
Got this error too. Any way this could be fixed soon?
Also maybe make a blog post :)
@Exiled1 pushed a fix in https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/commit/?h=heaptrace&id=815a79d9564d3384274f2767f1a5848610f37876
gonna update #37 with my research on this
solved #37 a different way, but my research on errno is still in #37
here's another ``` ... #3277: malloc(0x20) = 0x5555556830c0 ... #3278: malloc(0x40) = 0x5555556830f0 ... #3279: malloc(0x05) = 0x555555683140 ... #3280: malloc(0x05) = 0x555555683160 Detected fork in process (1091067->1091069). Following fork......
COLOR() printf might be best so we can collect `nbytes_written += printf(...)` in the future when we align stuff with nbytes