@simone1999 e Hey, I am working on your program, I need to ask you how do you put 30 esp8266 in your home with controlling using painless mesh concept. can...
@sglvladi Hey, I am working on your code ,after successfully uploading the code on the esp8266 (12-E) board , the MQTT gateway is not connecting with the mesh network.This error...
@sglvladi Please see the code below, where I am wrong. `/*=================================================================================== */ /* meshquitto_gateway/mqtt_gateway.ino */ /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* Example implementation of a meshquitto mqtt gateway. */ /* */ /*...
@sglvladi "Therefore I would suggest you double-check that the broker details you have entered are correct." what does it mean? I have filled everything right like MQTT password, username, client...
okay, I am trying.
@sglvladi again the same error is popped up. what should I do
@sglvladi do you think should I change anything in broker details just like client id , topic etc... please respond to me.
@sglvladi please see the error : "Attempting MQTT connection...failed, rc=5 try again in 5 seconds" I am not able to solve the error
@sglvladi please can you help me out?