Areg Azatyan
Areg Azatyan
Can you make an option to remove the clock widget and reolace it with our own?
### Describe the feature It is adapts unsupported icons to be similar to supported icons. ### Why would it be useful to add? Because it just looks better ### Did...
So there is a genre called album but every other music player doesn't show that genre and that genre has 0 songs
So I like to manually change my icons, but the icon selector doesn't show all the icons of an icon pack
Intergrate the smartspacer app on github with kvaesitso. The developer had a guide how to do that on the project's github wiki!
### Description A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] ### Solution A clear and concise description of what you want to...
Hi! I would like gadgetbridge support, so my smartwatches can show weather info from overmorrow!