Arducam Support

Results 64 comments of Arducam Support

Hi, We currently do not support connecting ov5647 on esp8266. If you want to use arducam mini 5mp plus on esp8266, you can refer to this [repository](

Hello, It is possible that the camera connection is too long, causing the camera initialize failed.You can try again with a shorter cable.

Arducam mini 2MP and 5MP cameras support a voltage range of 3.3v to 5V.But notice that the voltage of your microcontroller should be the same the camera.For example, ArduinoMega 2560...

Hi, You may not turned on the I2C device, so you can try this [link](

Perhaps you have a problem with the I2C method, I suggest you refer to our example on raspberry pi. [Link](

The I2C pins of the camera are SCL and SDA. The SPI pins are CS、MOSI、MISO and SCK, is your I2C clock using SCK?

> so, > pins are > BCM9 = 21 (MISO) > BCM10 = 19 (MOSI) > BCM11 = 23 (SCLK) > BCM0 = 27 (SPI0) > > I'm going to...

The [ArduCAM/RaspberryPi/SPI_Camera/]( is used for the specified camera, as shown in the following figure, for reference: []( Not the parallel camera in your picture. ![image](

Hi, We noticed that there is no clearing FIFO in your output. Please clear FIFO before you start capture. In addition, you can print the data read from FIFO to...

Are you using SPI camera on Raspberry Pi? If yes, please refer to [](