I replaced lanms with opencv finally.
> > 可以打开,应该是网络或者 github 被墙导致网络比较慢 @linzhk > > 我总是被kill,估计是内存太小了,还有一个问题是pip下载下来的代码结构和github上面不太一样导致报错了: > FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/lzk/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/senta/model_files/ernie_1.0_skep_large_ch.Chnsenticorp.cls/save_inference_model/inference_step_601/infer_data_params.json' 我也遇到这个问题,请问您解决了吗?
> Hi, I guess that you are using PyTorch >= 1.5.0. > It seems to be the problem of PyTorch API. > I did not meet this in version 1.4.0.,...
I met the same error, did you solve it ?
> > I met the same error, did you solve it ? > > Yes I have solved it > My cmakelist is error What's wrong with your cmakelist?
> > > > I met the same error, did you solve it ? > > > > > > > > > Yes I have solved it > >...
> train.py里的from convnet import ConvNet,convnet 在哪? 把convnet改成model就可以了 另外,我训练HWDB的时候,模型的loss老是会停留在8.231左右(我自己写的模型也是这样,但是用ImageNet预训练的resnet就不会有这种情况),你有没有碰到这种情况?
> 你在推断的时候out = wnet(src_tensor, target_tensor),输入了target的tensor,这是不是影响结果了。 > 正常推断不是只有src么 推断的时候,需要提供两个信息,一个是字体,一个是字,所以是两个输入
> 你的target_tensor是 > > ``` > target_img = generate_img(target_word, target_font_file, font_size=60) > target_tensor = totensor(target_img).unsqueeze(0) > ``` > > 这么得到的,送入到网络forward > > ``` > def forward(self, lx, rx): > rout...