Ismael Saavedra

Results 9 comments of Ismael Saavedra

The line remove the bug, the calendar reset to another previous month when you click on a day.

The documentation seems wrong, I tried setting PHPLDAPADMIN_LDAP_HOSTS with your Python code and it worked, it overrides the default config with my server's config!

It depends on what you are trying to do, for now it doesn't sound like and issue with this library so it would be nice if you can explain more...

Hi, can you add how to send quickReplies in the documentation please? ``` $message = new FBMessenger\Model\Message(); $message->setQuickReplies([ new Model\QuickReply('Option1', 'YOUR_PAYLOAD_HERE'), new Model\QuickReply('Option2', 'YOUR_PAYLOAD_HERE') ]); $this->messenger->sendMessage(, $message); ```

Something i thing is a bug is that when i click on a QuciReply i receive it as a message_event and not as a postback_event, because i need to is_null($event->getMessage()->getQuickReply())...

Hi @tgallice :), your fast response is apreciated. I'm not sure if this is the rigth way to do this, but i created a "MessengerController" class which have a function...

@tgallice I really don't know how this git think works, it says i don't have permission to push when i click to Sync, and i see mine commits in the...

Thank's @tgallice, i made the pull request now ^^