Architects-unix Boursorama
Architects-unix Boursorama
Hi @SigursteinnBjarni, I'm facing the same issue that you had: ``` ruby -r ./lib/identsqlite.rb -d SHIPS.rb Exception `LoadError' at /usr/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems.rb:1203 - cannot load such file -- rubygems/defaults/ruby Exception `LoadError' at...
Hello @GeoffWalton , Thanks for your reply. I have tried several things. I also reinstalled everything whithout any errors but I have the same issue every time: ``` root@dushipspoc2:/opt/SHIPS-master# ruby...
@GeoffWalton , Thank you very much for this example. My ships process has started now and I can view the login page. However, using IdentSQLite root account for login redirects...
A little update: my issue was in Internet Explorer and the certificate. I could setup the configuration following the video guide: However, when I'm trying to run the client...
Found my issue. the URL generated by the client was missing `&name=` due to the URL_OPTS var.
Hello @GeoffWalton , Thanks for your response. I could successfully test password management for a client. You stated in the doc that "It’s important to have users of secure documents...
Thanks for your time Geoff, Unfortunately I don't have enough experience with ruby and nodeJS to easily test your solutions. However, I determined that when device rotates its password it...