
Results 11 comments of Arash

@feroze it is not right. @foolishair opengl_helper is part of the [g2o]( . IMHO [this part ]( causes the problem, since it is configurable, even tough you set opengl to...

I am also facing the same issue in a siamese network!

I also get the same error on windows 10 and NVIDIA TITAN. Pytorch version: 1.4.0 But the same code runs on linux with the same python and pytorch version. Code...

> Hi @JulianFeinauer, > we are working on a Ditto integration but there is still a "way to go"... > As @stefbehl mentioned we will replace some internal beans in...

@crh8598 i also had the same issue, the solution suggested [here]( solved the problem!

@rginjapan your sequence is not correct for an RNN-based architecture. The combination should be: ``` combinations: [ [ 0, 1 ],[1, 2],[2,3] ] ``` Also, I would first try with...

@rginjapan yes and no ;) for RNN-based network, it is better to have consecutive frame combination, e.g. [[0,1], [1,2], [2,3]]. Regarding gradient-clipping: see [here](, [](url) and [here](

@rginjapan plz look at the loss function [here]( As you can see in the loss function we already take care for global motion since the loss is calculated for local...

@rginjapan Can you share your config-file and your meta-data settings (lr, wd and so on).

@KleinYuan unfortunately the lack of synchronization is not the only thing, also the odometry benchmark (or synced) does not contain IMU values. But the timestamps are defined from the same...