
Results 26 issues of Aran-Fey

When urls (or parts thereof) are converted to a string, they're always escaped: ```python >>> url = furl(' truck?hello world=#hi there') >>> str(url) '' >>> str(url.path) '' >>> str(url.query) 'hello+world='...

Using `write_videofile(path, codec='gif')` works correctly if `path` ends with `.gif`. This piece of code works: ``` import numpy as np from pathlib import Path from moviepy.editor import VideoClip PATH =...


I installed this style today and I soon noticed that the low contrast made my eyes hurt. The grey used for the text is just too similar to the grey...

enhancement :star:
help wanted :pray:

Applying `functools.wraps` to a function returns the function unchanged, but it should instead copy the signature of the wrapped function: ```python def func(x: bool) -> str: return str(x) @wraps(func) def...

This issue seems to be related to keyboard layouts. I use colemak, which means pressing the `E` button on my keyboard actually results in the letter "F". However, if I...

[The documentation]( for `gists()` says: > Retrieve the authenticated user’s gists. But in reality, it returns other people's gists: ```python import github3 gh = github3.login(username='Aran-Fey', password='foobar') for gist in gh.gists(number=5):...

I couldn't find a single mention of an exception in the docs. What happens when something goes wrong? What kind of error will be thrown? What am I supposed to...

Omitting the quotes inside the `domain()` selector successfully compiles to invalid CSS instead of showing an error message: Input: ``` @-moz-document domain({} ``` Compilation: ``` aran-fey@Starlight ~/D/temp {e}> stylus test.styl...

w: Unconfirmed
t: Question

I'd like builtin functions to verify that they were called with the correct number of arguments, and that the function's return value makes sense in context. Silently ignoring these two...

t: Enhancement
s: Community

The error I'm getting is > Geany tried to access the Unix Domain socket of another instance running as another user. > This is a fatal error and Geany will...

workaround available