
Results 59 comments of ArEnSc

I think I would be genuinely interested in doing this based on the RectangleBinPack Algorithm which is something I wanted to implement a while ago. This will be looked at...

LMFAO!!!!! omg. Better late than never! =) have fun

So what your telling us, is you did some pages but you didn't do all of them? from in the pictures? @nb312

@klshuster ``` For more general agents (e.g., DialoGPT as you have above), with the release of BlenderBot 3, we've additionally released a few mutators that format the tasks for a...

``` parlai train_model -m hugging_face/dialogpt --add-special-tokens True --delimiter '\n' --add-start-token True \ --gpt2-size medium \ --t projects.seeker.tasks.knowledge:WoiKnowledgeTeacher:mutators=format_knowledge_tasks_for_decoder_only_reduced_docs, \ projects.seeker.tasks.knowledge:Convai2KnowledgeTeacher:mutators=format_knowledge_tasks_for_decoder_only, \ projects.seeker.tasks.dialogue:WoiDialogueTeacher:mutators=format_response_tasks_for_decoder_only, \ projects.seeker.tasks.search_query:WoiSearchQueryTeacher:mutators=format_gen_tasks_for_decoder_only \ -bs 2 -mf microsoft/DialoGPT-medium ``` In...

Okay so I think in Microsofts hugging face release with your decoders, you nurfed the outputs to prevent anything that is said that would be controversial

@chiranshu14 you have to use a custom decoder, I think they filter out everything or nurfed the model