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Library for ROS2 that guarantees compatibility in variables of PS controllers of each generation. For SONY(R) Dualshock3, Dualshock4, Dualsense(For PS5)


Look at our better library! -> HarvestX/PlayStation-JoyInterface-ROS2

Library for ROS2 that guarantees compatibility in variables of PS controllers of each generation. For SONY(R) Dualshock3, Dualshock4, Dualsense(For PS5)

Note Please check your Ubuntu 20.04 kernel version >= 5.13 for playstation HID with following command.

uname -r

Table of contents (Click to jump to "main branch")


Differences in joysticks of each generation

Model number CECHZC2xxx CUH-ZCT1(2) CFI-ZCT1J
Weight[g] 193 210 280
Battery Lithium-ion 610?[mAh] Lithium-ion 1000[mAh] Lithium-ion 1560[mAh]
Dimensions[mm] 160x55x97 161x57x100 160x66x106
Bluetooth Connection Bluetooth Ver 2.0? Bluetooth Ver 2.1 Bluetooth Ver 5.1
USB Connection Mini USB Type-B micro USB Type-B Type-C

Button layout & handling (FOR ROS2)



Button (Joy) name joy-msgs (sensor_msgs/msg/joy) Handling with "joy/ps3.h"
Cross btn buttons[0] cross_btn
Circle btn buttons[1] circle_btn
Triangle btn buttons[2] triangle_btn
Square btn buttons[3] square_btn
L1 btn buttons[4] L1_btn
R1 btn buttons[5] R1_btn
L2 analog buttons[6], axes[2] L2_btn, L2
R2 analog buttons[7], axes[5] R2_btn, R2
SELECT btn buttons[8] select_btn
SHARE btn None share_btn=buttons[8]
CREATE btn None create_btn=buttons[8]
START btn buttons[9] start_btn
OPTIONS btn None options_btn=buttons[9]
PS btn buttons[10] PS_btn
Up btn buttons[13] up_btn, d_pad_x
Down btn buttons[14] down_btn, d_pad_x
Left btn buttons[15] left_btn, d_pad_y
Right btn buttons[16] right_btn, d_pad_y
Joystick left x axes[0] joy_left_x
Joystick left y axes[1] joy_left_y
Joystick right x axes[3] joy_right_x
Joystick right y axes[4] joy_right_y


  • The touch-pad button is similar to the touchpad on a laptop PC. (Not used for Joy-node.)


Button (Joy) name joy-msgs (sensor_msgs/msg/joy) Handling with "joy/ps4.h"
Cross btn buttons[0] cross_btn
Circle btn buttons[1] circle_btn
Triangle btn buttons[2] triangle_btn
Square btn buttons[3] square_btn
L1 btn buttons[4] L1_btn
R1 btn buttons[5] R1_btn
L2 analog buttons[6], axes[2] L2_btn, L2
R2 analog buttons[7], axes[5] R2_btn, R2
SELECT btn None select_btn=buttons[8]
SHARE btn buttons[8] share_btn
CREATE btn None create_btn=buttons[8]
START btn None start_btn=buttons[9]
OPTIONS btn buttons[9] options_btn
PS btn buttons[10] PS_btn
Up btn axes[6]= 1 up_btn, d_pad_x
Down btn axes[6]= -1 down_btn, d_pad_x
Left btn axes[7]= 1 left_btn, d_pad_y
Right btn axes[7]= -1 right_btn, d_pad_y
Joystick left x axes[0] joy_left_x
Joystick left y axes[1] joy_left_y
Joystick right x axes[3] joy_right_x
Joystick right y axes[4] joy_right_y


  • The touch-pad button is similar to the touchpad on a laptop PC. (Not used for Joy-node.)


Button (Joy) name joy-msgs (sensor_msgs/msg/joy) Handling with "joy/ps5.h"
Cross btn buttons[0] cross_btn
Circle btn buttons[1] circle_btn
Triangle btn buttons[2] triangle_btn
Square btn buttons[3] square_btn
L1 btn buttons[4] L1_btn
R1 btn buttons[5] R1_btn
L2 analog buttons[6], axes[2] L2_btn, L2
R2 analog buttons[7], axes[5] R2_btn, R2
SELECT btn None select_btn=buttons[8]
SHARE btn None share_btn=buttons[8]
CREATE btn buttons[8] create_btn
START btn None start_btn=buttons[9]
OPTIONS btn buttons[9] options_btn
PS btn buttons[10] PS_btn
Up btn axes[6]= 1 up_btn, d_pad_x
Down btn axes[6]= -1 down_btn, d_pad_x
Left btn axes[7]= 1 left_btn, d_pad_y
Right btn axes[7]= -1 right_btn, d_pad_y
Joystick left x axes[0] joy_left_x
Joystick left y axes[1] joy_left_y
Joystick right x axes[3] joy_right_x
Joystick right y axes[4] joy_right_y

How to connect? (Wireless)

  • Assuming Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and ROS-Foxy. Target computer has to have Bluetooth.

Dualshock4 & Dualsense (Wireless)

  1. Open "Settings->Bluetooth".

  2. Click the target "Wireless Controller" to setup. (Connection is created automatically.)

  1. Created connection.

Dualshock3 (Wireless)

  1. Connect Dualshock3 and Target Computer by USB.
  2. Push Dualshock3's "PS button".
  3. Open "Settings->Bluetooth".
  4. Select Dualshock3 Device to create Bluetooth connection.

How to remove or disable connection?

  1. Open "setting->Bluetooth".

  2. (Disconnect the target joystick) : Turn off "Connection" status.

  3. (Remove the target joystick) : Click "Remove Device -> Remove Device".


Library usage


  • This tutorial assumes you have ros-foxy-desktop (Ubuntu20.04LTS) and some tools installed.
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt install -y ros-foxy-joy*
$ mkdir -p ros2_ws/src/
$ cd ros2_ws/src/
$ git clone
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/
$ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
$ colcon build
$ source install/local_setup.bash
  • Run example.
## Terminal 1
$ ros2 run joy joy_node

## Terminal 2
$ ros2 run ps_ros2_common joy_test

## Terminal 3
$ ros2 topic echo /output

When you connect your target controller to "/dev/input/js0", you can check "/output" topic! :smile::video_game:

If you want to use Dualshock4 or Dualsense, rewrite the first line of "src/example_joy.cpp".

#include "joy/ps_base.hpp"
##                   ^ PS3 or PS4 or PS5 (Comment)

#include <example_interfaces/msg/int32.hpp>

    #include "joy/ps5.hpp"
    using namespace ps5;
#elif JOY_VERSION == PS4
    #include "joy/ps4.hpp"
    using namespace ps4;
#elif JOY_VERSION == PS3
    #include "joy/ps3.hpp"
    using namespace ps3;


Using the library

View this repository folder map. If you will use this library, you have to copy "include/joy/*" and write the PATH.


"ps3.hpp"and"ps4.hpp","ps5.hpp" is for override "ps_base.hpp"'s' functions.

The following is a simple sample program.

#include "joy/ps_base.hpp"

    #include "joy/ps5.hpp"
    using namespace ps5;
#elif JOY_VERSION == PS4
    #include "joy/ps4.hpp"
    using namespace ps4;
#elif JOY_VERSION == PS3
    #include "joy/ps3.hpp"
    using namespace ps3;

class example_joy:public rclcpp::Node, public ps
        void sub_joy_thread(const sensor_msgs::msg::Joy::SharedPtr msg)

            std::cout << "square_btn:" << square_btn << std::endl;
			// Write your code !

        example_joy(const std::string name, const rclcpp::NodeOptions & options):Node(name, options)
            sub_joy = this->create_subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::Joy>("/joy", 1, std::bind(&ps::sub_joy_thread, this, std::placeholders::_1));

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
    rclcpp::NodeOptions options;
    auto node = std::make_shared<example_joy>("joy_test",options);

    return 0;

Class reference(ps_base.hpp)


  • ps_base::ps_base()
    • Initialize ps_base class.
  • virtual void ps_base::get_data(const sensor_msgs::msg::Joy::SharedPtr msg)=0
    • Assign the data of "sensor_msgs::msg::Joy" to the member variable.
  • virtual void ps_base::sub_joy_thread(const sensor_msgs::msg::Joy::SharedPtr msg)
    • Callback function. You can override it.
  • void ps_base::btn2d_pad()
    • About the D-pad , handling button data to axis data.
  • void ps_base::d_pad2btn()
    • About the D-pad , handling axis data to button data.
  • void ps_base::init_data()
    • Initialize members.


  • rclcpp::Subscription<sensor_msgs::msg::Joy>::SharedPtr sub_joy

  • bool up_btn

  • bool down_btn

  • bool right_btn

  • bool left_btn

  • bool square_btn

  • bool square_btn

  • bool circle_btn

  • bool triangle_btn

  • bool cross_btn

  • bool L1_btn

  • bool R1_btn

  • bool select_btn

  • bool start_btn

  • bool PS_btn

  • bool share_btn

  • bool options_btn

  • bool create_btn

  • bool R2_btn

  • bool L2_btn

  • float R2

  • float L2

  • float d_pad_x

  • float d_pad_y

  • float joy_left_x

  • float joy_left_y

  • float joy_right_x

  • float joy_right_y

For contributors

  • If you use other Joy controllers, write a program similar to "include/joy/ps5.hpp". And if you have the opportunity, please contribute to this repository! :video_game:
  • I am a student and a beginner in the program. :man_student: If you have a better suggestion, please give me your ideas.


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