
Results 7 issues of ApurvaDani

Scroll to bottom doesn't scroll completely to the bottom. The last message is still hidden. Is it because the InputView is a part of ChatView? Is there any work around?

I am planning to train my own data which consists of handwritten numbers. I have been through the paper, and CRNN is trained on 8 million images. I wanted to...

From which layer of the DeepLabv3 256 model should I extract the features? I want cluster images based on hair shape.

Is there a way to merge selected slides from two different decks using node-pptx?

The attack.py file only generates the adversarial samples as mentioned in the paper. What is the difference in generating adversarial samples using attack.py file and directly generating using foolbox? Also,...

Code to reproduce error: import PPTXCompose from "pptx-compose"; const composer = new PPTXCompose(); Error: const composer = new PPTXCompose(); ^ TypeError: PPTXCompose is not a constructor System Configuration: OS: Windows...

Thanks for such a great repository. I wanted to use this code for generating images in a controlled way. For example, Given two images, I want to transfer face shape...