
Results 6 comments of N3ttX

You probably have checked option "Save URLs only" in Configuration tab. Uncheck it, and try again.

This uses libx264 (H.264) codec by default, which does not support alpha channel (transparency). You need to use codec that supports it, however unfortunately there seems to be a big...

Update: I'm now apparently getting mov files with an alpha channel, as you can see: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21370314/164072732-77f7d6a6-f743-4d47-b646-ccd573429981.png) but it is still not transparent, which makes me believe I set up the...

Hey, thank you a lot for feedback @backwardspy ! I'll update the catwalk picture right away lol As for the buttons and stuff, I've already create some PRs on the...

An update: Well, a new release came out, but it broke a very essential thing, that is the right-click context menu, so now it isn't possible to edit themes, add...

Yo thanks for the @, I totally forgot about it. Will take a look at the state of things and update soon(tm) :)