find it funny I can add almost anything from but furry.booru is the one that wont work XD.
Hi, may I ask what it is you're trying to do? I'm not an experience user with Source Explorer, but I have figured out SE is a bit sensitive depending...
> Hi, may I ask what it is you're trying to do? I'm not an experience user with Source Explorer, but I have figured out SE is a bit sensitive...
I used Anaconda itself for Pizza Sim, loaded the MFA into Clickteam Fusion 2.5 (only one I have), opened the Data Elements and then exported the Sounds Library. The MFA...
> It should be `default_provider: allanime`. The keys should not contain quotations. took them off, nothing changed.
seems its a json error based on the last line and might just be my python not want to work with yml
> Aah, yeah as it seems AllAnime is broken at the moment. Ah, ok. Thanks! While I'm here, just to make sure I have it set up right, I eventually...
I think with the official games, depending on what you want and if you have the Clickteam (free might work, honestly not sure), the standalone Anaconda might be best and...