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运行buildtool build -p core build application-pnc时发生错误 请问是什么原因呢
The reason for this problem is that downloading the dependencies of bazel failed. This is mostly due to network reasons
How to slove
Here is a document on how to solve it. link
To put it simply, you can manually download this file, put it in /apollo/.cache/distdir
, and then recompile.
我的bazel版本为5.3.2 似乎还无法通过wget 'https://apollo-system.cdn.bcebos.com/archive/bazel_deps/bazel-dependencies-5.3.2.tar.gz'下载依赖 可能是apollo9.0还没有进行相关更新
Yes, so you can only download manually if you encounter a download error. Can you access the external network?
If no, we will update the package soon
可以试下这个缓存, https://apollo-system.cdn.bcebos.com/bazel_deps/5.2.1/build.tar.gz 解压后替换工作空间的.cache文件