Jacob Christ
Jacob Christ
(so I'm documenting this here for my future self and for anyone else having problems with the STM32, FreeRTOS and USB CDC ACM) @leech001 Thanks! Yes I had added 0x500...
@leech001 I am using the latest version of STM32CubeMX and it broke other things that used to work! Thank goodness for git or it would have never found the issue....
@DRNadler thanks for the heads up... Do you know if the USB drops incoming (rx) our outgoing (tx) packets? I've stress tested outgoing and haven't seen any issues, but not...
@DRNadler Do you think the hardware is sound? I have written USB stack from the ground up before and I can fix software but if there is a hardware issue...
@ghostcaesar How do you expect xTaskResumeAll() to run in this function? ``` void * __wrap_malloc (size_t c) { vTaskSuspendAll(); return __real_malloc (c); xTaskResumeAll(); } ``` Maybe this will work better?...
@marksteward I think I've fallen into a trap... I've forked the tehmaze-labs modem project and fixed some issues on the multi-protocol branch to get y-modem working in Py2.7. It looks...