Jacob Christ
Jacob Christ
@saaiful Did you ever resolve this issue? I'm having a similar issue both in Python 2.7 and Python 3.7 and only on some Raspberry Pi Computers. Desktop Linux is fine....
Actually, I think we have pin pointed the issue to outside of pySerial. Once we know for sure I will try to post an update but I don't want to...
> c.f Check running python with **sudo**. Serial communication requires permission. Maybe add a udev rule to make the port accessible to non root users.
Take a look at this fork of the modem library: https://github.com/enix223/modem I've augmented ymodem send so that they can run threaded here: https://github.com/ApiumJacob/modem/tree/multi-threaded
@JJMultiSistemas These ones work well: https://ftdichip.com/product-category/products/cables/usb-rs232-cable-series/ If you get one with the DB9 Connector you will need a null modem like this: https://www.amazon.com/female-slimline-transfer-serial-adapter/dp/B075XGRLXW
Is your baud rate correct? 1152000 seems like a typo of 115200.
I have the same issue here. Came in Monday morning with a reboot and Display Link Stopped working. Rebooted to 5.3.0-62-generic and I was able to get it working again....
Next time I reboot, I'll try to install into the latest kernel. Here is what I see on my machine: ``` $ cc --version cc (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) 7.5.0 Copyright (C)...
I found this researching this topic...I haven't tried it yet. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=PrzemyslawOnak.pimp-my-avalonia https://github.com/ShadowDancer/PimpMyAvalonia
@vleeuwenmenno at the moment I decided to go with Rider (30 day free trial). I'm on Ubuntu 18.04. Up until this point I've been using VScode and making console apps...