Aparnev Alexey
Aparnev Alexey
First, I tried to create IResNet 50, save it in ONNX and view in Netron. This is what I saw:  According to paper, ReLUs on the main information propagation...
In FaceDatasets/CASIA/webface_lfw_overlap_detail.txt Michael B. Jordan (actor, from webface) and Michael Jordan (basketball player, from lfw) marked as the same person while they are not.
I was parsing ipa_all.csv from this repository and have found dublicating rows for some phonems. All rows differ at delrel, and often lab, back and tense. Here is file of...
I exported YOLOv10 model to onnx format with batchsize>1: ``` from ultralytics import YOLOv10 yolov10_detector = YOLOv10.from_pretrained('jameslahm/yolov10x',) yolov10_detector.export(format="onnx", dynamic=False,opset=15,batch=16,simplify=False) ``` and run it in tritonserver with following config: ``` name:...
Bugs in "multiple solution" games controls: 1. when clicking input image, only 1st input copied to 1st output 2. when drawing in 2nd output, drawing dublicated in 1st output. 2nd...