
Results 20 comments of Apex

Update: After some additional tinkering this seems to be caused by the Emojiful mod. After removing Emojiful Discord messages display in Minecraft In-Game chat perfectly fine.

Ran into the issue while up porting mods from 1.18.2 to 1.19 looks to be releated to the major render & overall refactor forge recently went through. [Crash report](https://paste.md-5.net/okagiwocof.sql#L81)

level ticking is implemented within ClientLevel and ServelLevel there is no common Level ticking implementation and from just a Level theres no real way to tick it. Gander is wanting...

> If your mod has its own fake level, it already extends a concrete implementation and exposes the method accordingly? yes'nt, gander does have its own virtual level internally which...

> Why does Gander even need to tick levels? so that we can tick block entities and such to update their animations, at least thats the current usage but im...

Rebased onto latest 20.6 changes

_Replying to: Technici4n_ > The ATs should be autogenerated. Unsure how you would go about having the ATs be autogenerated?

As requested, i have moved the logic off to being its own nbt key instead of hooking into vanillas `pickupDelay`. `pickupsAllowed` which is set to `true` by default, allowing pickups...

I have migrated this PR so that rather than it being a simple on/off flag in the `ItemEntity`, modders can now listen for the `ItemPickupAllowedEvent` event and change the result...

All changes from previous commits have been reverted and a simplified `ItemAllowPickupEvent` has been implemented, where when cancelled item pickup is disallowed. `EntityItemPickupEvent` has been marked deprecated as it would...