Hi can you give some more details using this function in Tasker? Tried to add it as a "Send Intent" task but nothing happens when I run it even with...
Thank you. Probably I'm missing something while testing the **Send Intent** task in Tasker. Here is the Tasker task description: ``` Send To MMEX (5) A1: Send Intent [ Action:android.intent.action.INSERT...
Thank you for the notify, but no success. I'm using a non-English version of MMEX and I have predefined category names in my language. In this case what should I...
If it helps I tried the following in my language (Hungarian): `content://parameters?account=account&transactionType=Kiadás&amount=10&payee=shop&category=Étkezés:Élelmiszer` The `account`, the `transactionType` (`Kiadás`= Withdrawal), the `payee` and the `category` values are all existing information in my...