Oleg Kuzava

Results 44 comments of Oleg Kuzava

Hello, thanks for recommendation. It makes sense for sure. So, plan is to replace the following usages: ``` intval() → (int) strval() → (string) floatval() → (float) ```

honestly, have no idea - are you sure this cookie is generated by HA, maybe it's done by some social network provider ?

most probably the session was lost after redirection. That's why you receive access denied. not sure if it should be handled by this library, but if you find out what...

Hi @billy-mandy-haddi I think you need to use `prompt` instead. See this PR for more details: #1287

I like this idea, thanks for raising

yeah, currently, there is no such provider. I hope it's not a big deal to provide one. So, welcome to create PR.

honestly, not sure if there is WEB support. Would be great if you can find out OAuth1/2 APIs.

makes sense. Need to decide: should it be extra method which allows uploading image, or something similar like in Twitter provider (https://github.com/hybridauth/hybridauth/blob/master/src/Provider/Twitter.php#L197)

I think it makes more sense to post not just image, but also title, link and custom message. so, the following code should work: ```php $profile = $linkedin->getUserProfile(); $url =...

I agree. Let's plan to remove it in v4.