Results 25 comments of 啊o额iu鱼

maybe a little stupid, socket_io_client caches and reuses socket objects by default, Closing the socket also does not delete the cache, So the listeners set every time you connect will...


找到问题了,人家有两个推送平台,“flyme集成推送平台”和“flyme推送平台”, 这个demo只能收到后者“flyme推送平台”,

@fanqieVip 是不是因为进程死后KeepLive#foregroundNotification被回收成null然后就不调用startForeground,

> @lkliu 后来解决了吗,我看部分机型也有这样的问题 我这边把KeepLive#foregroundNotification写死确保非空之后就没复现问题了,

The official does not provide a binary release of version 5.0 I have a binary release packaged by myself android, server, docker pull aoeiuv020/owt-server:v5.0-unofficial

除了paint模式还要专门创建一层argb8888的画布才能画出透明代表橡皮擦, 我这边基于两年前的版本改的橡皮擦已经能用了, ```java me.kareluo.imaging.core.IMGPath#onDrawDoodle if (color == 0) { paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR)); } else { paint.setXfermode(null); } me.kareluo.imaging.view.IMGView#onSizeChanged if (w != oldw || h != oldh) { doodleBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h,...


In fact, telegram will handle the underscore correctly even if it is not escaped @koluchiy