Antonio Drusin
Antonio Drusin
It is not picking up the properties. Quick workaround: - install giter8: - run `g8 akka/akka-scala-seed.g8` - use scala version 2.4.16 when asked
Just in case it helps. When getting the "name" attribute missing error i was using sbt 0.13.15 Also note that the defaults presented by g8 itself are empty ``` name...
That has worked for me yesterday. All day. This morning it's back to "License verification failed". I am using Gowin V1.9.8. I am using Floating License Server port 10559....
This licensing issue has been the biggest obstacle to using this great (and cheap) FPGA board for DIY projects. I was excited about the new Tang 9K and about the...
Just to track this, today (29 dec 2021) the license server is working again. Here is hope that it stays up.
I was playing around with the PSRAM and I took my module and made it into a more "reusable" example of communicating with the PSRAM.
I am not sure if this was just a fluke or if it works this way. Using the programmer that comes with Gowin 1.9.8 I was able to setup the...
A link to the post that mentioned trying 2.5Mhz cable speed